International & Foreign Entities

Services to help international & foreign entities navigate the U.S. tax system

As a foreigner who is expanding operations, investing in U.S. real estate, or moving to the United States, there are numerous tax variables that affect how much you pay Uncle Sam—all of which can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. The IRS offers numerous deductions, credits and exclusions to expatriates, but taking advantage of them is not always straightforward. Fortunately, we are here to help. Our firm specializes in providing comprehensive and practical guidance to ensure you have a smooth tax filing process and transition to entering and conducting business in the United States.

For those with foreign assets becoming U.S. taxpayers, we’ll work with you to avoid falling into the pitfalls of worldwide income and foreign financial asset reporting requirements. In addition, for those venturing from the United States to do business in other countries, our team is available to work with you abroad. Whether you are coming or going, you can count on us to be by your side.

There's no need to pay more than required or suffer under penalties and interest. Let us help you use more of your money to enjoy your life abroad and navigate the tricky waters of U.S. taxes.